Balticum TV

Balticum TV programa vakar

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The Rebel Princess (Shang yang fu), Drama, Istorinis, Kinija

00:20 - 01:20


Program break

01:20 - 08:00


The Rebel Princess (Shang yang fu), Drama, Istorinis, Kinija

08:00 - 09:00


Alfa point (Alfa taškas), Lietuva, 2024

09:00 - 09:30

Laida nagrinėja politikos ir verslo aktualijas, laidos svečiai – žinomi šalies politikai, verslininkai, ekspertai ir sprendimų priėmėjai. Laidos vedėjas R. Paleckis į studiją kviečiasi asmenis, kurie ne tik atsiduria svarbių įvykių sūkuryje, bet ir patys daro įtaką šalies politinei dienotvarkei.


Home For Uncle (Отмороженный), Komedija, Ukraina, 2019

09:30 - 10:00


Everything is Told (Tiek žinių), Lietuva, 2024

10:00 - 10:15

A weekly report on the latest regional and international news. Focusing on the affairs close to Lithuania, we bring updates on developments on the border with Belarus, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the car pollution tax, Covid-19, and beyond.


Age Difference (Разница в возрасте), Komedija, Melodrama, Ukraina, 2021

10:15 - 10:45

The story will tell about the unusual adventure of two sisters - 26-year-old Margot and 38-year-old Catherine. They have never been close since childhood. In adult life they hardly communicate and know little about each other's lives. However, the unexpected difficulties in Catherine's life, which actually knock the ground out from under the woman's feet, and Margot's uncontrollable desire to win the heart of her beloved husband bring the two sisters together. To realize their plans, the sisters decide to switch places - Margo will pretend to be 38 years old, and Kateryna will become 26 years old. Two women - absolute opposites must radically change their lifestyle, appearance and habits, all in order to be happy and achieve the desired goals.


Age Difference (Разница в возрасте), Komedija, Melodrama, Ukraina, 2021

10:45 - 11:15

The story will tell about the unusual adventure of two sisters - 26-year-old Margot and 38-year-old Catherine. They have never been close since childhood. In adult life they hardly communicate and know little about each other's lives. However, the unexpected difficulties in Catherine's life, which actually knock the ground out from under the woman's feet, and Margot's uncontrollable desire to win the heart of her beloved husband bring the two sisters together. To realize their plans, the sisters decide to switch places - Margo will pretend to be 38 years old, and Kateryna will become 26 years old. Two women - absolute opposites must radically change their lifestyle, appearance and habits, all in order to be happy and achieve the desired goals.


Alfa summer (Alfa vasara), Lietuva, 2024

11:15 - 11:45


The Rebel Princess (Shang yang fu), Drama, Istorinis, Kinija

11:45 - 12:45


Everything is Told (Tiek žinių), Lietuva, 2024

12:45 - 13:00

A weekly report on the latest regional and international news. Focusing on the affairs close to Lithuania, we bring updates on developments on the border with Belarus, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the car pollution tax, Covid-19, and beyond.


Gardener's world (Sodininko pasaulis), Lietuva, 2024

13:00 - 13:30


Turu, the Wacky Hen (La gallina Turuleca), Visai šeimai, Nuotykių, Animacinis, Vaikams, Miuziklas, Ispanija, Argentina, 2019

13:30 - 15:00

A hen discovers that she can't lay eggs, but then realises that she has a real musical talent. Animation.


Monsterjagers (Monsters at Large), Visai šeimai, Nuotykių, JAV, 2018

15:00 - 16:45

A boy decides to end his brother's nightmares by forming a team to take care of imaginary monsters - but one of the monsters turns out to be real!


Chameleon (Хамелеон), Ukraina, 2019

16:45 - 17:45


Undiplomatic conversation (Nediplomatinis pokalbis), Lietuva, 2024

17:45 - 18:45


Home For Uncle (Отмороженный), Komedija, Ukraina, 2019

18:45 - 19:15


Everything is Told (Tiek žinių), Lietuva, 2024

19:15 - 19:30

A weekly report on the latest regional and international news. Focusing on the affairs close to Lithuania, we bring updates on developments on the border with Belarus, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the car pollution tax, Covid-19, and beyond.


Alfa point (Alfa taškas), Lietuva, 2024

19:30 - 20:00

Laida nagrinėja politikos ir verslo aktualijas, laidos svečiai – žinomi šalies politikai, verslininkai, ekspertai ir sprendimų priėmėjai. Laidos vedėjas R. Paleckis į studiją kviečiasi asmenis, kurie ne tik atsiduria svarbių įvykių sūkuryje, bet ir patys daro įtaką šalies politinei dienotvarkei.


The Rebel Princess (Shang yang fu), Drama, Istorinis, Kinija

20:00 - 21:00


Second chance (Другий шанс на перше кохання), Drama, Ukraina, 2020

21:00 - 22:00


Everything is Told (Tiek žinių), Lietuva, 2024

22:00 - 22:15

A weekly report on the latest regional and international news. Focusing on the affairs close to Lithuania, we bring updates on developments on the border with Belarus, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the car pollution tax, Covid-19, and beyond.


Carpathian Ranger (Карпатский рейнджер), Ukraina, 2020

22:15 - 23:15


Knight's tour (Хід коня), Drama, Ukraina, 2022

23:15 - 00:15
